Thursday, October 20, 2016

On and on...

So I had my Orthopedics appointment today. He is pleased with my progress considering the pneumonia and all. Follow up in 6 weeks. By then he wants me walking either with or without a cane. Also at that point we'll look at PT. That's all the goodish news. 

The badish news is once I'm full weight bearing and walking we'll be able to learn the extent of vascular or soft tissue damage I may have. It just kind of takes the wind out of your sails to learn that you still might not be ok and in the clear after you're mobile. 

I have a difficult time wrapping my head around the severity of my accident. It was just something I had to get through. I didn't have time to contemplate that I could have lost my leg or that it could've been a "life changing injury" (doctor's words). Now I'm having to face the possibility that there may be more challenges to come. I'm not sure how much more I can handle.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Life goes on...

Yesterday I had an appointment with my orthopedic doctor. We're 10 weeks in from accident when I SERIOUSLY crunched my knee!
It was scary and the doctor said yesterday that it could've been a life altering injury. I figured it was time to spill the whole truth to my husband. I never told anyone, but one of the first conversations I had with my Geisinger doctors was about the blood flow in my injured leg. Apparantly it is quite common with my type of complex injury to compromise the blood flow to the leg. If that happens, they need to do vascular surgery or you risk losing your leg. 😳 I was EXTREMELY fortunate that in those crucial hours following my accident I continued to have a strong pulse and blood flow in my leg or this could've been a WHOLE other story. 
The good news is they did fix the leg. 
Granted I'm now the proud owner of a hardware store in my leg but at least I have a leg. 
I have a new best friend to help me on my path to recovery, my CPM Machine. 
It basically bends my leg for me stretching and flexing my joint and ligaments for at least 3 hours at a time. Now that I've achieved 70 degree bend we have a love hate relationship. I love the strength and flexibility I'm regaining but I hate how my knee aches after. Particularly the ligaments at the back of my knee. 
The super good news is that the doctor completely freed the flexibility on my brace so I'm no longer restricted to 50 degrees. One step closer to flexibility and mobility!
Bad news is I'm still dealing with an infection in my top pin site. I've basically been struggling with this infection since a few weeks after the second surgery. At least it isn't major and something we need to stress about. Just take antibiotics and soak it twice a day to draw the infection out. I take this as an opportunity to get in the tub. This makes me excited and nervous at the same time. We'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

One year and counting...

July 27, 2015 I made my first donation to the Move it Mommas. Even though I had my first workout the week before (July 22), this was the first step in making my mental and physical health a priority. 

I've tried a thousand times before but this time was different. I could feel it. Something just clicked. In this past year I've had amazing accomplishments. Yeah I've lost 60lbs and over 62 inches, but that's just a side effect. I'm healthier. I'm stronger. I'm happier. I have an amazing group of women that have been there for me since day 1. With their love and support I've run 3 5ks
appeared on the cover of a magazine and was part of a feature article 
dealt with the unexpected passing of my father and most recently they've kept me motivated when I shattered my knee falling off a ladder while visiting my mother in PA.
They may not always be physically close, but I know they are always a text, phone call or FB post away. Our "Never Quit" motto is always on my mind. As I continue this journey of health and recovery from my knee injury, I am proud to have these women by my side. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Let the countdown begin!!!!

Happy July!!! We finally have a date when we can return home. SO happy to be able to say that. Nothing like recovery at home surrounded by friends and family. Don't get me wrong, I have great friends & family here in PA, but nothing compares to your own bed!

We Survived the month of June! May 31st I fell off the ladder. I essentially dislocated and broke my knee (tibial plateau fracture) June 1 I had my first surgery to place the external fixator to separate my bones and allow the swelling to go down on the knee. What I didn't mention to anyone was that there was a great amount of concern about the blood supply in my leg. Apparantly it is common with this type of injury to pinch and even cut off the main blood supply to the leg. Major scary. This is why I didn't talk about it. Didn't want to think about "what if" just grateful it wasn't an issue. 

June 10 was Surgery 2 to fix the knee!  Fortunately my meniscus was intact so that helped, but they did have to reattach one of the ligaments since it was attached to bone that broke off. All in all surgery went longer than expected and I still had the fixator which was not expected but I understand the need for stability. This was WAY more painful recovery! WAY more painful!!! 
I hit rock bottom one day in the hospital as my nerve block wore off. WORST. PAIN. EVER. I felt guilty and like I failed everyone. Eventually I moved on but I had a REALLY horrible day!!! Then the same day I'm released from the hospital I send mom to the ER the middle of the night because of seizures. Scariest moment. I felt SO helpless. Turns out she wasn't eating properly or drinking enough water. Let's hope she can take care of herself when we're not here. 

June 27 Staples & stitches out! Scar doesn't look as bad as I expected and having stitches & staples removed didn't hurt much. Most important was getting the final surgery scheduled and getting cleared to fly back to TX!!!

My wonderful husband has been by my side taking care of me and the rest of the family in more ways that I could ever imagine. He is my ROCK!  He even takes on the horrible job of wound care like a champ! Yes I have 2 wounds that require twice daily care. Yes they are infected. Yes it does hurt like a bitch when he cleans them. It is physically, mentally and emotionally draining but we get through it together. I've always known that we were a great team, but this takes it to a whole new level. I know that no matter what, I can always count on him.  My Frankie 😘

So looking forward, 12 days until the fixator comes off in the final surgery! Two weeks until we fly home! 19 days until we learn about the second phase of recovery. I fear it'll be a while before I run another 5k, but damnit I will run one!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Who knew?

Life is complicated. So the same day I was released from the hospital after surgery #2 we had more family drama. In the middle of the night after my mom helped me get up to pee she had what I can only describe as seizures and ended up in the ER and a subsequent stay in the hospital. 
They ran a bunch of tests and determined that she wasn't eating right, drinking enough water and was under too much stress. No shit! I still struggle with that being able to cause seizures but I'm not the one with a medical degree. 
So we're all home now and my incredible husband is doing everything for all of his. He truly is amazing and I know I will never be able to express my gratitude for all he's done for our family. 
Today was supposed to be a nice relaxing day. A high school friend of mine who happens to be an orthopedic nurse was coming over to help me shower. I may never underestimate the power of clean hair again. She also helped me shower the night before surgery #2 but this time was different. She unwrapped my bandages and for the first time I was able to see my surgery scar. 
Honestly, much better than I expected. She says it looks exactly the way you want it to. No funky smells, drainage or redness. I'm super excited about that. 
After the shower I was completely drained and it hit me suddenly like a ton of bricks! Fortunately she's seen it before and was able to bring me back before I full on passed out. She's my hero! With her and Frank coaching me on I was able to shakily hop from the bathroom to the bedroom. It felt like hours and a half marathon but damnit I made it!! Nothing like the fear of being the wet, nekkid fat girl on the floor to keep you moving! 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Worst pain ever!!!!

So yesterday was surgery #2. Originally planned on them removing the external fixator and putting in places and acres to fix the knee. 
Surprisingly I woke up to this. The Dr mentioned there was a chance of needing another fixator if the knee was more complicated than expected. Well apparently I made this one of the worst injuries the Dr has seen. The surgery ran LONGER than expected but on the up side the Dr got everything fixed that he wanted to. I was HEAVILY loaded with pain killers and pretty much missed all of Friday. Last night and this morning as the nerve block started to wear off I'm in pain. Severe pain. Worst pain ever. I almost think it's worse because the first surgery was fairly easy to recover from but this feels impossible. It's going to take everything I have to get through this. I REALLY want to return to TX and somewhat normal life but I know I have at least one more surgery ahead of me and this recovery is going to be HARD and painful. I appreciate all the love and support I can get. 

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Shit happens...

I'm in PA helping my mom after my father's death 3 months ago. I wanted to get pictures of some equipment that he put up in the loft so we could sell it. So I was using a Gorilla ladder and apparently I didn't have it locked in right. I had my left food on the first step and went to step on the second with my right and the ladder collapsed. My left leg got stuck between the first and second step, twisted and broke. I was able to lower myself to the concrete floor but apparently I stepped on my broken leg causing even more damage.
I saw/heard the knee break in the twisting and then when I stepped it shoved the tibia (lower leg bone) under the top leg bone. There are bone pieces from the tibia and the cartilage of the knee is a mess but they won't know how bad until the swelling goes down. 
This first surgery I had on Tuesday just got the big bones separated and back in line so the soft tissue in the knee can get better. Second surgery (maybe in a week) puts rods & pins to fix the broken tibia and the knee cartilage. So I'm stuck at my mom's house in PA with my 5 yr old. My husband had to make an emergency trip here. My mother is stressed dealing with the loss of my father and the insanity of this situation and her and my husband have a knack for pissing each other off. 
Fortunately at the hospital I was a rockstar and was able to get around with a walker WAY faster than I anticipated and my medical team has been thrilled with my strength and progress. I was even released yesterday. THANK GOD I started working out and taking care of my health back in August or I would be totally screwed now.
Well yesterday was THE hardest day of all. Transitioning from the hospital to mom's house when I was already tired sucked. My muscles were sore and my mind was weak. For the first time I had several moments of fear. Fear of falling. Fear of failure. Just plain frozen in fear. That's not me. I'm not used to being stuck in my head anymore. I was trapped in my head when I was struggling with depression. I can not go back!!! I can not let this defeat me!!! So with the help of my husband and somewhat my mom I figured it out. Frank reminded me that I work out. Marissa has trained me for this. I know how to use my muscles and move my body better than I ever have. Humbling. My successes are measured by the ability to stand from a seated position, walk (controlled hopping really) and go potty. I feel like a child. Grateful for the strength I have learned from my MIM family. Both physically and mentally. Ironically I now understand "the mind will quit long before the body gives out". I'm grateful for all the love and support I get from those near and far. It helps remind me I am not alone. 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

The battle...

So my father died 3 weeks ago. We had a whirlwind trip up and back to take care of my mom and all the arrangements. Now we're home and everything is catching up with me. While I was there I was so focused on my mom and taking care of everything that I didn't think about myself and how I was feeling. Now I'm home and having a chance to process and I'm reminded of my past demons. At some point you forget that there is no cure for depression and anxiety. You think you never have to worry about it again but something traumatic happens and there you are standing on the edge of the cliff again. 

Fortunately I have an amazing support system and I'm stronger than I was in the past but I still have that fear of falling over the edge. I know I'll get through it but I'm sure there will be some scars along the way. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

E is no longer for evil!

Today is the day I conquered the evil scale! It no longer owns me. 
I may never weigh myself on this thing again, but knowing that I could if I want to is amazing! I let this thing control my mind. It was alway in the back of my head that I couldn't. Well that is no longer an obstacle. I can not and will not let it control me. I feel amazing!
While I have weighed less before, I have never been this healthy. This time is different. Before I went through the motions and had results but I always reached my goal and quit. It was a temporary situation. This is different. The way I approach food and exercise is different. I've had support in the past but not the amazing group of women I have now. I've eaten healthy before but again that was temporary and not realistic sustainable changes. I've exercised before but not with the strength, enjoyment and success that I have now. I'm not perfect. I do not pretend to be. I am accepting of my flaws and failures and no longer allow them to defeat me. This time my head is in the right place and I will succeed. 

Monday, February 8, 2016


So here is my nemesis. The evil scale that I was too heavy for. 
It taunts me with the evil E for error. 
I had a personal challenge to lose 10lbs and 10 inches in a month. Well I didn't quite make 10lbs (thanks Aunt Flo) but I nailed the 10 inches! 
This brings my grand total of inches lost between 10/5 - 2/8 to 45 inches!!! That's Awesome right?!? Well I didn't appreciate it fully because I still had that E mocking me and the failure of missing the weight loss goal weighing heavy on my mind. It's HARD to get out of the dark corners of your mind and stay focused on the positive and the amazing progress I have made. Yes there will be a celebration when I hit 330 and that evil scale no longer mocks me with an E. Yes I will be thrilled to hit my prepregnancy weight. I will, however, also take the time to recognize the progress I have made and not stay so focused on the scale. 

Friday, January 29, 2016

6 months and counting...

So I've been working out and getting healthy for 6 months now. BEST DECISION EVER!!!!
This was me the weekend before I started my journey. Doesn't look or feel like me anymore and that's the best feeling ever!!!  I've changed inside and out, but most importantly I've changed the way I think. The way I think about food, fitness, my body and my health has all changed. I've eliminated as much negativity from my life as I can. I will not let others drag me down! This time it's for me. My health. My well being. I don't want to end up like SO much of my family...sick, overweight and hopeless. That's not me. So I get up everyday and make the choice to be a healthier me. Don't get me wrong, I'm FAR from perfect. I try to make good food choices but I never tell myself that something is forbidden. That's an automatic path to failure for me by making that forbidden thing that much more desirable. This way I'm in control. I choose to have some cake or BBQ or whatever and I choose how much to have. The beautiful part is the healthier I get the less I want these things. Heck on my birthday I got my favorite SLICE of cheesecake and it lasted for 3 days instead of a whole cake that sits around for a week. It's a process that I'll be dealing with for the rest of my life, but it's awesome to know I'm on the right path. So now for the numbers because what would the accountant in me be without numbers? I'm down 32 lbs and well over 41 inches. I've reduced my BP meds and eliminated one of my depression/anxiety meds. I'm stronger, have more stamina and feel AMAZING!
Would you believe I even finished my FIRST 5k? Hell I even RAN some of it. Yes..big girls can run!!! Who knew? LOL
I have an amazing husband and daughter that are incredibly supportive, but more importantly I have my MIM family. 
These women get it. They know the struggle. They are there at my side for workouts and beyond. I know that when I need them they are there for me. Some I've known for years and others only a few months but we are all in this together and we all want each other to succeed but we're also there for support through the tough times. I am forever grateful to have them by my side for this crazy journey. #teammishell