Saturday, April 2, 2016

The battle...

So my father died 3 weeks ago. We had a whirlwind trip up and back to take care of my mom and all the arrangements. Now we're home and everything is catching up with me. While I was there I was so focused on my mom and taking care of everything that I didn't think about myself and how I was feeling. Now I'm home and having a chance to process and I'm reminded of my past demons. At some point you forget that there is no cure for depression and anxiety. You think you never have to worry about it again but something traumatic happens and there you are standing on the edge of the cliff again. 

Fortunately I have an amazing support system and I'm stronger than I was in the past but I still have that fear of falling over the edge. I know I'll get through it but I'm sure there will be some scars along the way. 

1 comment:

  1. Death is different too because you can think you are okay and have 'finished' grieving but then it hits you out of nowhere. It could be days, weeks, years. You are strong! It's healthy to grieve. I know things are different now since I'm not physically there but I am always there for you.
