Monday, February 8, 2016


So here is my nemesis. The evil scale that I was too heavy for. 
It taunts me with the evil E for error. 
I had a personal challenge to lose 10lbs and 10 inches in a month. Well I didn't quite make 10lbs (thanks Aunt Flo) but I nailed the 10 inches! 
This brings my grand total of inches lost between 10/5 - 2/8 to 45 inches!!! That's Awesome right?!? Well I didn't appreciate it fully because I still had that E mocking me and the failure of missing the weight loss goal weighing heavy on my mind. It's HARD to get out of the dark corners of your mind and stay focused on the positive and the amazing progress I have made. Yes there will be a celebration when I hit 330 and that evil scale no longer mocks me with an E. Yes I will be thrilled to hit my prepregnancy weight. I will, however, also take the time to recognize the progress I have made and not stay so focused on the scale. 

1 comment:

  1. "I will, however, also take the time to recognize the progress I have made and not stay so focused on the scale." I love this. 45" is AMAZING!!! Please keep posting.
