Thursday, October 20, 2016

On and on...

So I had my Orthopedics appointment today. He is pleased with my progress considering the pneumonia and all. Follow up in 6 weeks. By then he wants me walking either with or without a cane. Also at that point we'll look at PT. That's all the goodish news. 

The badish news is once I'm full weight bearing and walking we'll be able to learn the extent of vascular or soft tissue damage I may have. It just kind of takes the wind out of your sails to learn that you still might not be ok and in the clear after you're mobile. 

I have a difficult time wrapping my head around the severity of my accident. It was just something I had to get through. I didn't have time to contemplate that I could have lost my leg or that it could've been a "life changing injury" (doctor's words). Now I'm having to face the possibility that there may be more challenges to come. I'm not sure how much more I can handle.


  1. We will keep our fingers crossed that you will be fine! You were very active before the accident and are still young so you got this! ♡ I just can't imagine what you have gone through but I see a very strong focused person that is ready to get back to life before the end of May.

  2. One literal and figurative step at a time.
