Friday, January 29, 2016

6 months and counting...

So I've been working out and getting healthy for 6 months now. BEST DECISION EVER!!!!
This was me the weekend before I started my journey. Doesn't look or feel like me anymore and that's the best feeling ever!!!  I've changed inside and out, but most importantly I've changed the way I think. The way I think about food, fitness, my body and my health has all changed. I've eliminated as much negativity from my life as I can. I will not let others drag me down! This time it's for me. My health. My well being. I don't want to end up like SO much of my family...sick, overweight and hopeless. That's not me. So I get up everyday and make the choice to be a healthier me. Don't get me wrong, I'm FAR from perfect. I try to make good food choices but I never tell myself that something is forbidden. That's an automatic path to failure for me by making that forbidden thing that much more desirable. This way I'm in control. I choose to have some cake or BBQ or whatever and I choose how much to have. The beautiful part is the healthier I get the less I want these things. Heck on my birthday I got my favorite SLICE of cheesecake and it lasted for 3 days instead of a whole cake that sits around for a week. It's a process that I'll be dealing with for the rest of my life, but it's awesome to know I'm on the right path. So now for the numbers because what would the accountant in me be without numbers? I'm down 32 lbs and well over 41 inches. I've reduced my BP meds and eliminated one of my depression/anxiety meds. I'm stronger, have more stamina and feel AMAZING!
Would you believe I even finished my FIRST 5k? Hell I even RAN some of it. Yes..big girls can run!!! Who knew? LOL
I have an amazing husband and daughter that are incredibly supportive, but more importantly I have my MIM family. 
These women get it. They know the struggle. They are there at my side for workouts and beyond. I know that when I need them they are there for me. Some I've known for years and others only a few months but we are all in this together and we all want each other to succeed but we're also there for support through the tough times. I am forever grateful to have them by my side for this crazy journey. #teammishell

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