Monday, September 21, 2015


Three months ago I was the heaviest I've ever been. I finally decided to try a workout group that some of my mommy friends have been doing. I love it. I feel like it changed my life in more ways than I imagined. One of the hardest lessons I learned today. The change in mentality from being number focused to health focused is extremely difficult but I think this time I have enough of the right support to get there. The focus has always been on "how much do you weigh?" Or "how much have you lost?" I had an excuse for a while because I embarrassingly weighed too much for my scale to measure. I finally broke down and got a different scale this summer and was embarrassed at how much weight I had gained. The heaviest I've ever been. Then I finally decided to give MIM a try. Great group of women. Amazingly supportive and fortunate enough to have a leader with a perfect balance of guidance, motivation and personality to keep us coming back for more. I've been SO focused on getting below a certain weight that I forgot to recognize my hard work. How energized I feel. How my body is changing (still only see it in pictures but I now recognize the change). How I've gotten off of one of my meds for depression. Our instructor asked if I had checked the scale lately. I did...I lost just 10 lbs. 10 lbs didn't seem like a lot to me. The overall percentage of weight lost isn't much but when you hold a 10 lbs weight over your head for 10 minutes while you exercise you come to realize it is significant. I am healthier than I've been. I'm happier than I've been. I'm physically and emotionally stronger than I've been. It's a great feeling and I can't wait to see how much further I'll go!

1 comment:

  1. What!!! A blog post!!!
    This makes me smile for my friend. It's about so much more than the scale. I'm proud of you! I need to find something that works for me.
