Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 1

Every year I wait until my birthday is over to start any "new year" changes so that means today is day 1. Back to the breakfast smoothies I drank throughout my pregnancy & nursing, LOTS of water and 2 snacks a day. Once we get the food straight we get back on the exercise. I have about 60lbs to get to my first goal... 5lbs at a time.

All good things come to an end...

My birthday week began on Friday with my gay birthday. This tradition randomly started about 8 - 10 years ago when quite a few of my gays started wishing my happy birthday 3 days before my actual birthday. One might think it was a conspiracy but the irony is most of the gays don't know each other and they all live in different places. It was just strange gay kismet that continues as a funny tradition year after year. Hubby & I managed a great date night and celebrated my birthday in style. My actual birthday turned into a pretty good family day and I wrapped the week up with a fun MNO with some great mommy friends. There's always been a rule that the birthday is over when the birthday cake is gone, so it was officially over on Sunday. Another year older, but no big deal. Check back in 2 years and see if I feel the same way about 40!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Blood and other liquids...

So this week is all about wet things. Sunday it was a burst pipe between the living room and kitchen. As odd as it sounds we were lucky it leaked around the ceiling speaker or we could've had a much bigger problem on our hands. We have an awesome plumber that quickly fixed the problem and didn't charge an arm & leg for a Sunday afternoon. We are fortunate enough to have good friends to help us with our toddler during the chaos. The week continues with a bloody nose that just wouldn't quit. So bad that it required a trip to the ER. After 4 hours of bleeding off and on and several attempts to stop it for more than 15 minutes at a time, they decided not to pack the nose (nasal tampon) and instead they cauterized 4 different spots in my nose with silver nitrate. Basically 4 chemical burns in a very sensitive spot without any anesthesia. I could feel & smell the burn! At least it was stopped until the next day when it started again. I went to ENT where they cauterized more but with anesthesia and some amazing Drs. The rest of the week was better but rainy and blah. Hopefully things will start looking up and our house & health will be back to normal.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

And so it begins...

So I'm finally going to start a blog. Why? I say why not! I've got nothing to lose. I feel this is a big year of change and why not put pen to paper (so to speak) and hold myself accountable for setting my own changes in motion. I imagine this will also be a place for me to vent about life, as I see it and share anything that I feel may be of interest. I am not a fabulous writer. I am only clever in my own mind and I'm not sure if anyone has any interest in what I have to say. With all that being said...let's get this show on the road!
I've always said if you're not happy with your current situation then do something about it or suck it up! I just don't see the point of whining. Last year I took my own advice and started to change my perspective so I could be overall happer with my new life. Just when I was getting comfortable with my daily life and my new definition of self it looks like 2013 is going to have even more changes in store for me. I'd love to be the person that immeditately says "Bring it on!" but I'm more of a "Seriously?" girl. So you'll have to bear with me while I work up the enthusiasm and motivation to "Be the change I want to be!".