Wednesday, July 27, 2016

One year and counting...

July 27, 2015 I made my first donation to the Move it Mommas. Even though I had my first workout the week before (July 22), this was the first step in making my mental and physical health a priority. 

I've tried a thousand times before but this time was different. I could feel it. Something just clicked. In this past year I've had amazing accomplishments. Yeah I've lost 60lbs and over 62 inches, but that's just a side effect. I'm healthier. I'm stronger. I'm happier. I have an amazing group of women that have been there for me since day 1. With their love and support I've run 3 5ks
appeared on the cover of a magazine and was part of a feature article 
dealt with the unexpected passing of my father and most recently they've kept me motivated when I shattered my knee falling off a ladder while visiting my mother in PA.
They may not always be physically close, but I know they are always a text, phone call or FB post away. Our "Never Quit" motto is always on my mind. As I continue this journey of health and recovery from my knee injury, I am proud to have these women by my side. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Let the countdown begin!!!!

Happy July!!! We finally have a date when we can return home. SO happy to be able to say that. Nothing like recovery at home surrounded by friends and family. Don't get me wrong, I have great friends & family here in PA, but nothing compares to your own bed!

We Survived the month of June! May 31st I fell off the ladder. I essentially dislocated and broke my knee (tibial plateau fracture) June 1 I had my first surgery to place the external fixator to separate my bones and allow the swelling to go down on the knee. What I didn't mention to anyone was that there was a great amount of concern about the blood supply in my leg. Apparantly it is common with this type of injury to pinch and even cut off the main blood supply to the leg. Major scary. This is why I didn't talk about it. Didn't want to think about "what if" just grateful it wasn't an issue. 

June 10 was Surgery 2 to fix the knee!  Fortunately my meniscus was intact so that helped, but they did have to reattach one of the ligaments since it was attached to bone that broke off. All in all surgery went longer than expected and I still had the fixator which was not expected but I understand the need for stability. This was WAY more painful recovery! WAY more painful!!! 
I hit rock bottom one day in the hospital as my nerve block wore off. WORST. PAIN. EVER. I felt guilty and like I failed everyone. Eventually I moved on but I had a REALLY horrible day!!! Then the same day I'm released from the hospital I send mom to the ER the middle of the night because of seizures. Scariest moment. I felt SO helpless. Turns out she wasn't eating properly or drinking enough water. Let's hope she can take care of herself when we're not here. 

June 27 Staples & stitches out! Scar doesn't look as bad as I expected and having stitches & staples removed didn't hurt much. Most important was getting the final surgery scheduled and getting cleared to fly back to TX!!!

My wonderful husband has been by my side taking care of me and the rest of the family in more ways that I could ever imagine. He is my ROCK!  He even takes on the horrible job of wound care like a champ! Yes I have 2 wounds that require twice daily care. Yes they are infected. Yes it does hurt like a bitch when he cleans them. It is physically, mentally and emotionally draining but we get through it together. I've always known that we were a great team, but this takes it to a whole new level. I know that no matter what, I can always count on him.  My Frankie 😘

So looking forward, 12 days until the fixator comes off in the final surgery! Two weeks until we fly home! 19 days until we learn about the second phase of recovery. I fear it'll be a while before I run another 5k, but damnit I will run one!!!